Package org.moeaframework.problem.LSMOP

package org.moeaframework.problem.LSMOP
Package for the scalable LSMOP test problem suite.

These codes are based on the Matlab source code provided by the authors. Additionally, we use the Matlab source to generate the test results:

   Population = LSMOP('init', 'LSMOP1', 2, 10)
   [ps,D] = size(Population)
   LSMOP('fitness', 'LSMOP1', 2, 0.5 * ones(1,D))   % Evaluate solution (0.5, 0.5, ..., 0.5)
and the Pareto Fronts:
   PF = LSMOP('PF', 'LSMOP1', 2, 100)
   writematrix(PF,'','Delimiter',' ','FileType','text')
  1. Ran Cheng, Yaochu Jin, Markus Olhofer and Bernhard Sendhoff. "Test problems for large-scale multiobjective and many-objective optimization." IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 7(12): 4108-4121, 2017.
  2. Supplementary Materials available at
  • Class
    Correlation matrices used by the LSMOP test problem suite.
    Linkage functions used by the LSMOP test problem suite.
    Abstract class for defining LSMOP test problems.
    The unimodal, fully-separable LSMOP1 problem.
    The mixed-modality, partially-separable LSMOP2 problem.
    The multi-modal, mixed-separability LSMOP3 problem.
    The mixed-modality, mixed-separability LSMOP4 problem.
    The unimodal, fully-separable LSMOP5 problem.
    The mixed-modality, partially-separable LSMOP6 problem.
    The multi-modal, mixed-separability LSMOP7 problem.
    The mixed-modality, mixed-separability LSMOP8 problem.
    The mixed-modality, fully-separable LSMOP9 problem.
    Problem provider for the LSMOP test problems.
    Functions specifying the Pareto Front geometry for the LSMOP test problem suite.
    Shape functions used by the LSMOP test problem suite.