Package org.moeaframework.algorithm.single
package org.moeaframework.algorithm.single
Implementations of various single-objective optimization algorithms. This includes the Repeated Single Objective
(RSO) algorithm, which runs many different single-objective algorithms with different weight vectors.
ClassDescriptionAbstract class for implementing comparators based on some weighted aggregate of objective values.Compares solutions based on a computed aggregate fitness from the objective values.Single-objective differential evolution (DE) algorithm.Single-objective
(mu + lambda)
evolution strategy (ES) algorithm.Single-objective genetic algorithm (GA) implementation with elitism.Version of the weighted linear aggregate function that supports constraints.The weighted linear aggregate function.Weighted min-max aggregate function that supports constraints.Weighted min-max aggregate function.Instantiates and runs several instances of a single objective algorithm.Self adaptive variation based on the normal distribution.Implementation of single-objective simulated annealing.Abstract class for building single-objective evolutionary algorithms.The vector angle distance scaling aggregate function.