Package org.moeaframework.analysis.diagnostics

package org.moeaframework.analysis.diagnostics
Diagnostic tool for analyzing the runtime behavior of algorithms.
  • Classes
    Displays the end-of-run Pareto approximation set.
    The main window of the diagnostic tool.
    The controller manages the underlying data model, performs the evaluation of jobs, and notifies any listeners when its state changes.
    Placeholder in a layout for unoccupied grid locations.
    Command line utility for launching the diagnostic tool.
    Displays a line plot of the runtime dynamics of a metric, displaying the 25, 50, and 75-th quantiles.
    Helper class for maintaining a mapping from series in a plot to their assigned paint.
    The key for a result entry, allowing distinct algorithm and problem pairings in sets and maps.
    Abstract Swing component for displaying results.
    A sorted ListModel which stores only unique entries.