Package org.moeaframework.analysis.parameter
package org.moeaframework.analysis.parameter
Parameter definitions for sampling.
ClassDescriptionAbstract parameter implementation.Constant<T>A parameter assigned a constant value.Interface for enumerated parameters that can either enumerate all possible values or produce a sampling.Enumeration<T>An enumeration of a fixed set of possible values.An exception indicating a parameter is invalid.An exception indicating the parameter does not exist.NumericParameter<T extends Number>Interface for parameters that represent a numeric value.Parameter<T>Represents a typed parameter.Builder interface for constructing parameters.A typed parameter builder for decimal for floating-point values.A typed parameter builder for integer values.A typed parameter builder for long values.A typed parameter builder for strings.A collection of parameters along with methods to enumerate or generate samples.Parameter representing a
value.Interface for parameters that can be sampled randomly or by some sequence.