Class SobolSensitivityAnalysis

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SobolSensitivityAnalysis extends Object implements SensitivityAnalysis<SobolSensitivityAnalysis.SobolSensitivityResult>
Global sensitivity analysis of blackbox model output using Saltelli's improved Sobol' global variance decomposition procedure.
  1. When requesting N samples, the Saltelli sampling strategy generates N * (2 * P + 2) actual samples, where P is the number of parameters being analyzed.
  2. Negative sensitivity values can occur and typically coincide with large confidence intervals. Increasing the sample size can help, but this generally means the sensitivities are near zero.

This code was derived and translated from the C code used in the Tang et al. (2007) study cited below.


  1. Tang, Y., Reed, P., Wagener, T., and van Werkhoven, K., "Comparing Sensitivity Analysis Methods to Advance Lumped Watershed Model Identification and Evaluation," Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 793-817, 2007.
  2. Saltelli, A., et al. "Global Sensitivity Analysis: The Primer." John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2008.