Class DataStoreProvider

Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class DataStoreProvider extends Object
Defines a SPI for creating data stores. A data store is identified by a URI with a specific schema. The remainder of the URI, including the path and query segments, can be used to configure the data store.

Avoid including secrets in the URI itself. The provided URI may appear in logs, exception messages, or command line arguments, and is not a safe place to store secrets. Instead, if required, provide a reference to the secret, such as referencing an environment variable name.

  • Constructor Details

    • DataStoreProvider

      public DataStoreProvider()
      Constructs a data store provider.
  • Method Details

    • getDataStore

      public abstract DataStore getDataStore(URI uri)
      Creates the data store if defined by this provider.
      uri - the URI defining the data store
      the data store, or null if not implemented by this provider