Interface Configurable

All Known Subinterfaces:
CoolingSchedule, Mutation, Variation
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractCompoundVariation, AbstractEvolutionaryAlgorithm, AbstractPSOAlgorithm, AbstractSimulatedAnnealingAlgorithm, AdaptiveMetropolis, AdaptiveMultimethodVariation, AdaptiveTimeContinuationExtension, Add, AGEMOEAII, AlgorithmWrapper, AMOSA, BitFlip, CMAES, CompoundMutation, CompoundVariation, DBEA, DifferentialEvolution, DifferentialEvolutionVariation, EpsilonMOEA, EpsilonNSGAII, EpsilonProgressContinuationExtension, EvolutionStrategy, Extensions, GDE3, GeneticAlgorithm, GeometricCoolingSchedule, GrammarCrossover, GrammarMutation, HUX, IBEA, Insertion, InstrumentedAlgorithm, MOEAD, MSOPS, MultiParentVariation, NSGAII, NSGAIII, OMOPSO, OnePointCrossover, PAES, PCX, PESA2, PM, PMX, PointMutation, RandomSearch, Remove, Replace, RVEA, SBX, SelfAdaptiveNormalVariation, SimulatedAnnealing, SingleObjectiveEvolutionaryAlgorithm, SMPSO, SMSEMOA, SPEA2, SPEA2.StrengthFitnessEvaluator, SPX, SSX, SubtreeCrossover, Swap, TemperatureBasedTerminationCondition, TwoPointCrossover, TypeSafeCrossover, TypeSafeMutation, UM, UNDX, UniformCrossover, UNSGAIII, VEGA

public interface Configurable
Interface for classes that can be configured either explicitly by overriding the methods defined by this interface or auto-configurable by using the annotations available in this package.

With auto-configuration, in addition to processing annotated setters, it will also check each getter method and recursively process any that also implement this interface. However, it will not scan any collection types, such as Iterable, Collection, List, etc., even if they contain Configurable types.

  • Method Details

    • applyConfiguration

      default void applyConfiguration(TypedProperties properties)
      Applies the properties to this instance. It is strongly recommended to apply a configuration immediately after creating the instance, as some properties can not be changed after the class is used. Exceptions may be thrown if attempting to set such properties.

      After calling this method, we encourage users to call TypedProperties.warnIfUnaccessedProperties() to verify all properties were processed. This can identify simple mistakes like typos.

      If overriding this method, properties should only be updated if a new value is provided. Additionally, if updating any Configurable objects inside this object, they should be updated before calling super.applyConfiguration(properties).

      properties - the user-defined properties
    • getConfiguration

      default TypedProperties getConfiguration()
      Gets the current configuration of this instance. In theory, these properties should be able to create a duplicate instance. Note however, they are unlikely to behave identically due to random numbers and other transient fields.
      the properties defining this instance