Class CommandLineUtility

Direct Known Subclasses:
BuildProblem, CalculateIndicator, EndOfRunEvaluator, GeneratePlots, Initialize, JNAInfo, LaunchDiagnosticTool, Main, MetricsAnalysis, MetricsEvaluator, MetricsValidator, ParetoFrontConverter, ReferenceSetGenerator, ResultFileConverter, ResultFileMerger, ResultFileMetadata, ResultFileSeedMerger, ResultFileValidator, ResultFileViewer, RuntimeEvaluator, SampleGenerator, SobolAnalysis, Solve, TestExamples, UpdateCodeSamples, WeightGenerator

public abstract class CommandLineUtility extends Object
Abstract class for providing command line utilities. This class is provided to ensure a standard interface for command line utilities as well as handling the quirks of different operating systems.

Upon calling start(String[]), this class registers an uncaught exception handler on the calling thread. The purpose of this handler is to catch any exceptions and display a formatted error message on the command line.

As such, subclasses should include a main method similar to the following:

     public class MyCustomUtility extends CommandLineUtility {
         // implement the run and getOptions methods
         public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
             new MyCustomUtility().start(args);
Note that the main method always throws an Exception. This ensures the error is propagated to the uncaught exception handler.
  • Constructor Summary

    Constructs a command line utility.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    protected PrintWriter
    Creates and returns a writer for printing output from this command line utility.
    protected PrintWriter
    Creates and returns a writer for printing output from this command line utility.
    protected PrintWriter
    Creates and returns a writer for printing output from this command line utility.
    fail(String... message)
    Exits this command line utility with an error.
    protected String
    Returns the command string used to invoke this command line utility.
    protected int
    Returns the console width by: The value stored in Settings.KEY_HELP_WIDTH Invoking stty size on supported platforms Defaulting to 74
    protected org.apache.commons.cli.Options
    Returns the options with their descriptions loaded using Localization.
    Returns the options made available by this command line utility.
    abstract void
    run(org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine commandLine)
    Runs this command line utility with the specified command line arguments.
    protected void
    setCommandString(String commandString)
    Sets the command string used to invoke this command line utility.
    setHideUsage(boolean hideUsage)
    Sets the flag to hide the usage line from the help message.
    protected void
    Format and display the help information that details the available command line options.
    start(String[] args)
    Starts this command line utility with the command line arguments provided by the main method.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • CommandLineUtility

      public CommandLineUtility()
      Constructs a command line utility. The constructor for subclasses should provide a private constructor unless programmatic access is also desired.
  • Method Details

    • getConsoleWidth

      protected int getConsoleWidth()
      Returns the console width by:
      1. The value stored in Settings.KEY_HELP_WIDTH
      2. Invoking stty size on supported platforms
      3. Defaulting to 74
      the console width
    • getOptions

      public org.apache.commons.cli.Options getOptions()
      Returns the options made available by this command line utility. The base implementation automatically provides the -h,--help option. Implementations overriding this method and begin with a call to super.getOptions().
      the options made available by this command line utility
    • run

      public abstract void run(org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine commandLine) throws Exception
      Runs this command line utility with the specified command line arguments.
      commandLine - the command line arguments
      Exception - if any exception occurred while running this command
    • start

      public void start(String[] args) throws Exception
      Starts this command line utility with the command line arguments provided by the main method. The command line arguments are parsed into a CommandLine object and the run method is invoked.

      At the start of this method, a specialized uncaught exception handler is registered with the calling thread. This exception handler is responsible for formatting and displaying any errors on the command line. Note that this exception handler is not removed at the end of this method; its removal is not necessary when this utility is invoked on the command line.

      args - the command line arguments
      Exception - if any exception occurred while running this command
    • getLocalizedOptions

      protected org.apache.commons.cli.Options getLocalizedOptions()
      Returns the options with their descriptions loaded using Localization.
      the available command line options
    • showHelp

      protected void showHelp()
      Format and display the help information that details the available command line options.
    • getCommandString

      protected String getCommandString()
      Returns the command string used to invoke this command line utility.
      the command string used to invoke this command line utility
    • setCommandString

      protected void setCommandString(String commandString)
      Sets the command string used to invoke this command line utility.
      commandString - the command string used to invoke this command line utility; or null to use the default Java command line string
    • setHideUsage

      public void setHideUsage(boolean hideUsage)
      Sets the flag to hide the usage line from the help message.
      hideUsage - if true, hides the usage line
    • fail

      public void fail(String... message)
      Exits this command line utility with an error.
      message - the error message
    • createOutputWriter

      protected PrintWriter createOutputWriter()
      Creates and returns a writer for printing output from this command line utility. The caller is responsible for closing this writer.
      the writer
    • createOutputWriter

      protected PrintWriter createOutputWriter(String filename) throws FileNotFoundException
      Creates and returns a writer for printing output from this command line utility. The caller is responsible for closing this writer.
      filename - the filename, or null
      the writer
      FileNotFoundException - if opening the file for writing failed
    • createOutputWriter

      protected PrintWriter createOutputWriter(File file) throws FileNotFoundException
      Creates and returns a writer for printing output from this command line utility. The caller is responsible for closing this writer.
      file - the file, or null
      the writer
      FileNotFoundException - if opening the file for writing failed