Interface Displayable

All Known Subinterfaces:
DataStream<V>, FirstOrderSensitivity, Formattable<T>, Partition<K,V>, SecondOrderSensitivity, SensitivityResult, TotalOrderSensitivity
All Known Implementing Classes:
AdaptiveGridArchive, DefaultEpsilons, EpsilonBoxDominanceArchive, FitnessBasedArchive, FutureSolution, Groups, ImmutableDataStream, ImmutablePartition, Indicators.IndicatorValues, IndicatorStatistics, Manifest, MSOPSRankedPopulation, NondominatedPopulation, NondominatedSortingPopulation, Population, ReferencePointNondominatedSortingPopulation, ReferenceVectorGuidedPopulation, ResultSeries, Sample, SampledResults, Samples, SobolSensitivityAnalysis.SobolSensitivityResult, Solution, TabularData, Timer, TypedProperties

public interface Displayable
Interface used by classes that display content, either to standard output or an output stream.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default void
    Formats and prints the content of this object to standard output.
    Displays the contents of this object to the given output stream.
  • Method Details

    • display

      void display(PrintStream out)
      Displays the contents of this object to the given output stream. This method does not close the underlying stream; the caller is responsible for disposing it.
      out - the output stream
    • display

      default void display()
      Formats and prints the content of this object to standard output. Avoid overriding this method, instead implements the display logic in display(PrintStream).