Interface EvolutionaryAlgorithm

All Superinterfaces:
Algorithm, Extensible, Named, Stateful
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractEvolutionaryAlgorithm, AGEMOEAII, DBEA, DifferentialEvolution, EpsilonMOEA, EpsilonNSGAII, EvolutionStrategy, GDE3, GeneticAlgorithm, IBEA, MSOPS, NSGAII, NSGAIII, PAES, PESA2, RVEA, SingleObjectiveEvolutionaryAlgorithm, SMSEMOA, SPEA2, UNSGAIII, VEGA

public interface EvolutionaryAlgorithm extends Algorithm
Interface for an evolutionary algorithm. Evolutionary algorithms are characterized by their use of a population and inspiration from biological and other natural processes.
  • Method Details

    • getPopulation

      Population getPopulation()
      Returns the current population of this evolutionary algorithm.
      the current population of this evolutionary algorithm
    • getArchive

      Returns the current non-dominated archive of the best solutions generated by this evolutionary algorithm, or null if no archive is used.
      the current non-dominated archive of the best solutions generated by this evolutionary algorithm, or null if no archive is used