Interface Named

All Known Subinterfaces:
Algorithm, AnalyticalProblem, Constraint, EnumeratedParameter<T>, EpsilonBoxEvolutionaryAlgorithm, EvolutionaryAlgorithm, Indicator, Mutation, NumericParameter<T>, Objective, Parameter<T>, Problem, SampledParameter<T>, TerminationCondition, Variable, Variation
All Known Implementing Classes:
Abs, AbstractAlgorithm, AbstractCompoundVariation, AbstractConstraint, AbstractEvolutionaryAlgorithm, AbstractObjective, AbstractParameter, AbstractProblem, AbstractPSOAlgorithm, AbstractSimulatedAnnealingAlgorithm, AbstractVariable, Ackley, Acos, Acosh, AdaptiveMetropolis, AdaptiveMultimethodVariation, Add, Add, AdditiveEpsilonIndicator, AGEMOEAII, AlgorithmWrapper, AMOSA, And, Asin, Asinh, Atan, Atanh, AttractiveSector, BBOBFunction, BBOBTransformation, Beale, Belegundu, Between, BinaryIntegerVariable, BinaryVariable, Binh, Binh2, Binh3, Binh4, BitFlip, BoundedConstraint, C1_DTLZ1, C1_DTLZ3, C2_DTLZ2, C3_DTLZ1, C3_DTLZ4, Call, CancellationSignal, Ceil, CF1, CF10, CF2, CF3, CF4, CF5, CF6, CF7, CF8, CF9, CMAES, CompoundMutation, CompoundTerminationCondition, CompoundVariation, Constant, Constant, Contribution, ConvexC2_DTLZ2, ConvexDTLZ2, Cos, Cosh, DBEA, Define, DifferentialEvolution, DifferentialEvolutionVariation, DifferentPowers, DistributedProblem, Divide, DTLZ, DTLZ1, DTLZ2, DTLZ3, DTLZ4, DTLZ5, DTLZ6, DTLZ7, Ellipsoid, Enumeration, EpsilonMOEA, EpsilonNSGAII, Equal, Equals, EvolutionStrategy, Exp, ExternalProblem, Field, Floor, Fonseca, Fonseca2, For, Gallagher, GDE3, GenerationalDistance, GenerationalDistancePlus, GeneticAlgorithm, Get, Grammar, GrammarCrossover, GrammarMutation, GreaterThan, GreaterThan, GreaterThanOrEqual, GreaterThanOrEqual, Griewank, Himmelblau, HUX, Hypervolume, IBEA, IfElse, Insertion, InstrumentedAlgorithm, InvertedDTLZ1, InvertedGenerationalDistance, InvertedGenerationalDistancePlus, Jimenez, Kita, Kursawe, Lambda, Laumanns, LessThan, LessThan, LessThanOrEqual, LessThanOrEqual, Lis, Log, Log10, LSMOP, LSMOP1, LSMOP2, LSMOP3, LSMOP4, LSMOP5, LSMOP6, LSMOP7, LSMOP8, LSMOP9, LZ, LZ1, LZ2, LZ3, LZ4, LZ5, LZ6, LZ7, LZ8, LZ9, MaF1, MaF10, MaF11, MaF12, MaF13, MaF14, MaF15, MaF2, MaF3, MaF4, MaF5, MaF6, MaF7, MaF8, MaF9, Max, MaxElapsedTime, MaxFunctionEvaluations, Maximize, MaximumParetoFrontError, Min, Minimize, Modulus, MOEAD, MSOPS, MultiParentVariation, Multiply, Murata, NativeHypervolume, Node, NOP, NormalizedIndicator, NormalizedObjective, Not, NotEqual, NSGAII, NSGAIII, Obayashi, OKA1, OKA2, OMOPSO, OnePointCrossover, Or, Osyczka, Osyczka2, Outside, PAES, PCX, Permutation, PESA2, PISAHypervolume, PM, PMX, PointMutation, Poloni, Power, ProblemStub, ProblemWrapper, Program, Quagliarella, R1Indicator, R2Indicator, R3Indicator, RandomSearch, Rastrigin, Rastrigin, RealVariable, Remove, Rendon, Rendon2, RepeatedSingleObjective, Replace, RIndicator, Rosenbrock, Rosenbrock, RotatedProblem, Round, RVEA, SampledDouble, SampledInteger, SampledLong, SBX, ScaledProblem, Schaffer, Schaffer2, Schaffers, Schwefel, Schwefel, SelfAdaptiveNormalVariation, Sequence, Set, SharpRidge, Sign, SimulatedAnnealing, Sin, SingleObjectiveEvolutionaryAlgorithm, Sinh, SMPSO, SMSEMOA, Spacing, SPEA2, Sphere, Sphere, SPX, Square, SquareRoot, Srinivas, SSX, StackedProblem, Subset, Subtract, SubtreeCrossover, Swap, Tamaki, Tan, Tanaka, Tanh, TargetObjectiveTermination, TemperatureBasedTerminationCondition, ThresholdConstraint, Timer, TransformObjectiveOscillate, TransformObjectivePenalize, TransformObjectivePower, TransformObjectiveShift, TransformVariablesAffine, TransformVariablesAsymmetric, TransformVariablesBrs, TransformVariablesConditioning, TransformVariablesOscillate, TransformVariablesScale, TransformVariablesShift, TransformVariablesXHat, TransformVariablesZHat, Truncate, TwoPointCrossover, TypeSafeCrossover, TypeSafeMutation, UF1, UF10, UF11, UF12, UF13, UF2, UF3, UF4, UF5, UF6, UF7, UF8, UF9, UM, UNDX, UniformCrossover, UNSGAIII, VEGA, Viennet, Viennet2, Viennet3, Viennet4, WFG, WFG1, WFG2, WFG3, WFG4, WFG5, WFG6, WFG7, WFG8, WFG9, WFGHypervolume, WFGNormalizedHypervolume, While, Zakharov, ZCAT, ZCAT1, ZCAT10, ZCAT11, ZCAT12, ZCAT13, ZCAT14, ZCAT15, ZCAT16, ZCAT17, ZCAT18, ZCAT19, ZCAT2, ZCAT20, ZCAT3, ZCAT4, ZCAT5, ZCAT6, ZCAT7, ZCAT8, ZCAT9, ZDT, ZDT1, ZDT2, ZDT3, ZDT4, ZDT5, ZDT6

public interface Named
Interface for objects that can be named.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the name of this object.
  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      Returns the name of this object. The format for the name depends on the specific implementation, but in general we recommend:
      1. Prefer using alphanumeric characters including '_' and '-'.
      2. Avoid whitespace and other control characters.
      3. null can be returned, if allowed by the implementation, to indicate the object is anonymous or has no assigned name.
      the name