Class Contribution

All Implemented Interfaces:
Indicator, Named

public class Contribution extends Object implements Indicator
Measures the contribution of the approximation set to the reference set.
  • Constructor Details

    • Contribution

      public Contribution(NondominatedPopulation referenceSet)
      Constructs the contribution indicator using the specified reference set. Exact matching is used.
      referenceSet - the reference set
      IllegalArgumentException - if the reference set is empty
    • Contribution

      public Contribution(NondominatedPopulation referenceSet, double epsilon)
      Constructs the contribution indicator using the specified reference set and ε value. Solutions residing in the same ε-box are considered to be equivalent.
      referenceSet - the reference set
      epsilon - the ε value
      IllegalArgumentException - if the reference set is empty
    • Contribution

      public Contribution(NondominatedPopulation referenceSet, Epsilons epsilons)
      Constructs the contribution indicator using the specified reference set and ε values. Solutions residing in the same ε-box are considered to be equivalent.
      referenceSet - the reference set
      epsilons - the ε values
      IllegalArgumentException - if the reference set is empty
    • Contribution

      public Contribution(NondominatedPopulation referenceSet, EpsilonBoxDominanceComparator comparator)
      Constructs the contribution indicator using the specified reference set and ε-box dominance comparator. Solutions residing in the same ε-box are considered to be equivalent.If the comparator is null, exact matching is used.
      referenceSet - the reference set
      comparator - the ε-box dominance comparator used to determine if solutions in the reference set are covered by solutions in the approximation set; or null if exact matching is used
      IllegalArgumentException - if the reference set is empty
  • Method Details

    • evaluate

      public double evaluate(NondominatedPopulation approximationSet)
      Description copied from interface: Indicator
      Returns the value of this unary quality indicator given the specified non-dominated population.
      Specified by:
      evaluate in interface Indicator
      approximationSet - the non-dominated population to be evaluated
      the value of this quality indicator given the specified non-dominated population