Class LZ

All Implemented Interfaces:
AutoCloseable, Named, Problem
Direct Known Subclasses:
LZ1, LZ2, LZ3, LZ4, LZ5, LZ6, LZ7, LZ8, LZ9

public abstract class LZ extends AbstractProblem
Abstract class for implementing problems from the complicated Pareto sets test suite by Hui Li and Qingfu Zhang.
  • Constructor Details

    • LZ

      public LZ(int numberOfVariables, int numberOfObjectives, int pType, int lType, int dType)
      Construcs an LZ problem instance with the specified number of variables, number of objectives, ptype code, ltype code, and dtype code.
      numberOfVariables - the number of variables
      numberOfObjectives - the number of objectives
      pType - the ptype code specifying the type of Pareto front
      lType - the ltype code specifying the type of Pareto set
      dType - the dtype code specifying the type of non-negative function
  • Method Details

    • getPType

      public int getPType()
      Returns the ptype code specifying the type of Pareto front.
      the ptype code specifying the type of Pareto front
    • getLType

      public int getLType()
      Returns the ltype code specifying the type of Pareto set.
      the ltype code specifying the type of Pareto set
    • getDType

      public int getDType()
      Returns the dtype code specifying the type of non-negative function.
      the dtype code specifying the type of non-negative function
    • evaluate

      public void evaluate(Solution solution)
      Description copied from interface: Problem
      Evaluates the solution, updating the solution's objectives in place. Algorithms must explicitly call this method when appropriate to evaluate new solutions or reevaluate modified solutions.
      solution - the solution to be evaluated
    • newSolution

      public Solution newSolution()
      Description copied from interface: Problem
      Returns a new solution for this problem. Implementations must initialize the variables so that the valid range of values is defined, but typically leave the actual value at a default or undefined state.
      a new solution for this problem