Interface Problem

All Superinterfaces:
AutoCloseable, Named
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractProblem, Ackley, AttractiveSector, BBOBFunction, BBOBTransformation, Beale, Belegundu, Binh, Binh2, Binh3, Binh4, C1_DTLZ1, C1_DTLZ3, C2_DTLZ2, C3_DTLZ1, C3_DTLZ4, CF1, CF10, CF2, CF3, CF4, CF5, CF6, CF7, CF8, CF9, ConvexC2_DTLZ2, ConvexDTLZ2, DifferentPowers, DistributedProblem, DTLZ, DTLZ1, DTLZ2, DTLZ3, DTLZ4, DTLZ5, DTLZ6, DTLZ7, Ellipsoid, ExternalProblem, Fonseca, Fonseca2, Gallagher, Griewank, Himmelblau, InvertedDTLZ1, Jimenez, Kita, Kursawe, Laumanns, Lis, LSMOP, LSMOP1, LSMOP2, LSMOP3, LSMOP4, LSMOP5, LSMOP6, LSMOP7, LSMOP8, LSMOP9, LZ, LZ1, LZ2, LZ3, LZ4, LZ5, LZ6, LZ7, LZ8, LZ9, MaF1, MaF10, MaF11, MaF12, MaF13, MaF14, MaF15, MaF2, MaF3, MaF4, MaF5, MaF6, MaF7, MaF8, MaF9, Murata, Obayashi, OKA1, OKA2, Osyczka, Osyczka2, Poloni, ProblemStub, ProblemWrapper, Quagliarella, Rastrigin, Rastrigin, Rendon, Rendon2, Rosenbrock, Rosenbrock, RotatedProblem, ScaledProblem, Schaffer, Schaffer2, Schaffers, Schwefel, Schwefel, SharpRidge, Sphere, Sphere, Srinivas, StackedProblem, Tamaki, Tanaka, TransformObjectiveOscillate, TransformObjectivePenalize, TransformObjectivePower, TransformObjectiveShift, TransformVariablesAffine, TransformVariablesAsymmetric, TransformVariablesBrs, TransformVariablesConditioning, TransformVariablesOscillate, TransformVariablesScale, TransformVariablesShift, TransformVariablesXHat, TransformVariablesZHat, UF1, UF10, UF11, UF12, UF13, UF2, UF3, UF4, UF5, UF6, UF7, UF8, UF9, Viennet, Viennet2, Viennet3, Viennet4, WFG, WFG1, WFG2, WFG3, WFG4, WFG5, WFG6, WFG7, WFG8, WFG9, Zakharov, ZCAT, ZCAT1, ZCAT10, ZCAT11, ZCAT12, ZCAT13, ZCAT14, ZCAT15, ZCAT16, ZCAT17, ZCAT18, ZCAT19, ZCAT2, ZCAT20, ZCAT3, ZCAT4, ZCAT5, ZCAT6, ZCAT7, ZCAT8, ZCAT9, ZDT, ZDT1, ZDT2, ZDT3, ZDT4, ZDT5, ZDT6

public interface Problem extends AutoCloseable, Named
Interface for defining optimization problems. All methods must be thread safe.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Closes any underlying resources used by this problem.
    evaluate(Solution solution)
    Evaluates the solution, updating the solution's objectives in place.
    default String
    Returns the name of this problem.
    Returns the number of constraints defined by this problem.
    Returns the number of objectives defined by this problem.
    Returns the number of decision variables defined by this problem.
    default boolean
    isType(Class<? extends Variable> type)
    Returns true if all decision variables used by this solution are the given type.
    Returns a new solution for this problem.
  • Method Details

    • getName

      default String getName()
      Returns the name of this problem. Whenever possible, this name should match the name recognized by ProblemFactory.
      Specified by:
      getName in interface Named
      the name of this problem
    • getNumberOfVariables

      int getNumberOfVariables()
      Returns the number of decision variables defined by this problem.
      the number of decision variables defined by this problem
    • getNumberOfObjectives

      int getNumberOfObjectives()
      Returns the number of objectives defined by this problem.
      the number of objectives defined by this problem
    • getNumberOfConstraints

      int getNumberOfConstraints()
      Returns the number of constraints defined by this problem.
      the number of constraints defined by this problem
    • evaluate

      void evaluate(Solution solution)
      Evaluates the solution, updating the solution's objectives in place. Algorithms must explicitly call this method when appropriate to evaluate new solutions or reevaluate modified solutions.
      solution - the solution to be evaluated
    • newSolution

      Solution newSolution()
      Returns a new solution for this problem. Implementations must initialize the variables so that the valid range of values is defined, but typically leave the actual value at a default or undefined state.
      a new solution for this problem
    • close

      void close()
      Closes any underlying resources used by this problem. Once closed, further invocations of any methods on this problem may throw exceptions.

      While most problems do not use any disposable resources and this method can simply no-op, the best practice is wrapping the constructed problem instance inside a try-with-resources block so it is automatically closed. Java may flag offending code with a warning. Implementations that do require closing should indicate this in any documentation.

      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
    • isType

      default boolean isType(Class<? extends Variable> type)
      Returns true if all decision variables used by this solution are the given type. This also considers if the given types are compatible. For example, BinaryIntegerVariable is compatible with BinaryVariable.
      type - the type of decision variable
      true if all decision variables are the given type; false otherwise.