Class R1Indicator

All Implemented Interfaces:
Indicator, Named

public class R1Indicator extends RIndicator
Computes the R1 indicator. The R1 indicator measures the fraction of utility functions where the population is better than the reference set. Values range from [0, 1] with 1 preferred. Note that to achieve a value of 1, the population must be better than the reference set with respect to all utility functions.


  1. Hansen, M. P. and A. Jaszkiewicz (1998). Evaluating the Quality of Approximations to the Non-dominated Set. IMM Technical Report IMM-REP-1998-7.
  • Field Details


      public static final double DEFAULT_EPSILON
      The default value for epsilon.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • R1Indicator

      public R1Indicator(Problem problem, int subdivisions, NondominatedPopulation referenceSet)
      Constructs a new R1 indicator using the Chebyshev utility function. The default normalization procedure, as specified by DefaultNormalizer, is used.
      problem - the problem
      subdivisions - the number of subdivisions along each objective
      referenceSet - the reference set
    • R1Indicator

      public R1Indicator(Problem problem, int subdivisions, NondominatedPopulation referenceSet, Normalizer normalizer)
      Constructs a new R1 indicator using the Chebyshev utility function.
      problem - the problem
      subdivisions - the number of subdivisions along each objective
      referenceSet - the reference set
      normalizer - the user-provided normalizer, or null if the default is used
    • R1Indicator

      public R1Indicator(Problem problem, int subdivisions, NondominatedPopulation referenceSet, Normalizer normalizer, RIndicator.UtilityFunction utilityFunction, double epsilon)
      Constructs a new R1 indicator using the specified utility function.
      problem - the problem
      subdivisions - the number of subdivisions along each objective
      referenceSet - the reference set
      normalizer - the user-provided normalizer, or null if the default is used
      utilityFunction - the utility function
      epsilon - resolution when comparing two utility function values for equality
  • Method Details

    • evaluate

      public double evaluate(NondominatedPopulation population)
      Description copied from interface: Indicator
      Returns the value of this unary quality indicator given the specified non-dominated population.
      population - the non-dominated population to be evaluated
      the value of this quality indicator given the specified non-dominated population