Class GenerationalDistance

All Implemented Interfaces:
Indicator, Named

public class GenerationalDistance extends NormalizedIndicator
Generational distance (GD) indicator. Represents average distance from solutions in an approximation set to the nearest solution in the reference set.
  • Constructor Details

    • GenerationalDistance

      public GenerationalDistance(Problem problem, NondominatedPopulation referenceSet)
      Constructs a generational distance evaluator for the specified problem and corresponding reference set. The default normalization procedure, as specified by DefaultNormalizer, is used.
      problem - the problem
      referenceSet - the reference set for the problem
    • GenerationalDistance

      public GenerationalDistance(Problem problem, NondominatedPopulation referenceSet, double d)
      Constructs a generational distance evaluator for the specified problem and corresponding reference set. The default normalization procedure, as specified by DefaultNormalizer, is used.
      problem - the problem
      referenceSet - the reference set for the problem
      d - the power, typically 2.0
    • GenerationalDistance

      public GenerationalDistance(Problem problem, NondominatedPopulation referenceSet, Normalizer normalizer, double d)
      Constructs a generational distance evaluator with a user-provided normalizer.
      problem - the problem
      referenceSet - the reference set for the problem
      normalizer - the user-provided normalizer, or null if the default is used
      d - the power, typically 2.0
  • Method Details

    • evaluate

      public double evaluate(NondominatedPopulation approximationSet)
      Description copied from interface: Indicator
      Returns the value of this unary quality indicator given the specified non-dominated population.
      approximationSet - the non-dominated population to be evaluated
      the value of this quality indicator given the specified non-dominated population