Package org.moeaframework.core
package org.moeaframework.core
Contains the core classes used by this framework.
ClassDescriptionAdaptive grid archive.Interface for an optimization algorithm.Useful methods for calculating constraints.A non-dominated population using an ε-box dominance comparator.Interface for evolutionary algorithms using an ε-box dominance archive.Stores the ε values for an ε-dominance archive.Interface for an evolutionary algorithm.Fast non-dominated sorting algorithm for dominance depth ranking.Evaluates a population and assigns fitness values to its solutions.The framework exception is the parent type of all exceptions specific to the MOEA Framework.Interface for a unary quality indicator.Interface for an initialization routine.A population that maintains the property of pair-wise non-dominance between all solutions.Specifies how duplicate solutions are handled.Non-dominated sorting algorithm for dominance depth ranking.Population that maintains the
attributes for its solutions by invokingNondominatedSorting.evaluate(Population)
.Decorates an algorithm to perform some action periodically throughout the execution of the algorithm.Defines the type of frequency.A collection of solutions and common methods for manipulating the collection.Static methods for generating random or pseudo-random numbers.Interface for defining optimization problems.Interface for selection operators.Global settings used by this framework.A solution to an optimization problem, storing the decision variables, objectives, constraints and attributes.Interface for objects that can save and load their state.Interface used to implement conditions for when an algorithm should terminate.Interface for decision variables.Interface for variation operators.