Package org.moeaframework.core.population
package org.moeaframework.core.population
Collection of populations and archives.
ClassDescriptionAdaptive grid archive.A non-dominated population using an ε-box dominance comparator.Fast non-dominated sorting algorithm for dominance depth ranking.Population implementing the ranking scheme used by the Multiple Single Objective Pareto Sampling (MSOPS) algorithm.A population that maintains the property of pair-wise non-dominance between all solutions.Specifies how duplicate solutions are handled.Non-dominated sorting algorithm for dominance depth ranking.Population that maintains the
attributes for its solutions by invokingNondominatedSorting.evaluate(Population)
.A collection of solutions and common methods for manipulating the collection.Implementation of the reference-point-based nondominated sorting method for NSGA-III.A reference vector guided population, for use with RVEA, that truncates the population using the method outlined in [1].