Package org.moeaframework.core.operator
package org.moeaframework.core.operator
Package of various mutation and crossover operators.
ClassDescriptionAbstractCompoundVariation<T extends Variation>Constructs a variation operator applying two or more variations sequentially.Auto-adaptive multi-method recombination operator.Versions of
that only supports mutation operators.Construct a variation operator applying one or more variations sequentially.Default provider of operators.Identifies mutation operators that evolve exactly one parent.One-point or single-point crossover.Two-point crossover.Annotation identifying variation operators that are type safe.TypeSafeCrossover<T extends Variable>An abstract variation class that validates the types of each variable before applying the crossover operation with a given probability.TypeSafeMutation<T extends Variable>An abstract mutation class that validates the types of each variable before applying the mutation operation with a given probability.Crossover operator where each index is randomly swapped between the parents with a 50% chance.Interface for variation operators.