Package org.moeaframework.core.constraint

package org.moeaframework.core.constraint
Collection of constraint types.
  • Class
    Abstract class for implementing constraints.
    The between constraint, or <lower> <= <value> <= <upper>.
    Abstract class for bounded constraints of the form <lower> <op> <value> <op> <upper>.
    Defines a constraint.
    The equality constraint, or <value> == <threshold>.
    The greater than constraint, or <value> > <threshold>.
    The greater than or equal to constraint, or <value> >= <threshold>.
    The less than constraint, or <value> < <threshold>.
    The less than or equal to constraint, or <value> <= <threshold>.
    The inequality constraint, or <value> != <threshold>.
    The outside constraint, or <value> < <lower> || <upper> < <value>.
    Abstract class for constraints of the form <value> <op> <threshold>.