Package org.moeaframework.analysis.runtime
package org.moeaframework.analysis.runtime
Tools for collecting runtime data from an algorithm while it executes.
ClassDescriptionCollects the individual operator probabilities from
.Collects the number of restart events resulting fromAdaptiveTimeContinuationExtension
.Identifies objects in an object graph (all public and private fields contained within an object and those it references).Collects information from an object.Collects the elapsed execution time of an algorithm.Collects the number of ε-progress improvements detected in anEpsilonBoxEvolutionaryAlgorithm
.Collects performance indicator values from anAlgorithm
.InstrumentedAlgorithm<T extends Algorithm>Wraps an algorithm to indicate it is instrumented to collect runtime data.Decorates an algorithm to periodically collect information about its runtime behavior.Instruments algorithms to record runtime information.Collects the population size and archive size, if available, from anEvolutionaryAlgorithm